Optimize Warehouse Value Added Services with Python Use Linear Programming to Increase your Production Capacity for the Final Assembly of Luxury Products
Optimize Workforce Planning using Linear Programming with Python What is the minimum number of temporary workers you need to hire to absorb your weekly workload while ensuring employees retention?
Automate Outlook Email Back-Up with VBA Generate emails backup in HTML format that can be read without Outlook Account
Build a GPS Routing API with Python Flask Create a free Distance Matrix API using Flask with a Selenium Bot deployed on Heroku
Build a Shipment Tracking Tool using a Telegram Bot Design a Telegram Bot that will interact with truck drivers to track your shipments and provide real-time visibility of your transportation performance
Road Transportation Network Visualization Build Visualizations of your FTL Network Performance: deliveries/route, cost per ton and trucks size
Machine Learning for Store Delivery Scheduling Design Replenishment Strategies to Optimize Inventory and Reduce Number of Deliveries from your Warehouse
Machine Learning for Retail Demand Forecasting Comparative study of Demand Forecasting Methods for a Retail Store (XGBoost Model vs. Rolling Mean)
Improve Warehouse Productivity using Pathfinding Algorithm with Python Implement Pathfinding Algorithm based on Travelling Salesman Problem Designed with Google AI Operation Research Libraries
Improve Warehouse Productivity using Spatial Clustering with Python Improve Warehouse Picking Productivity by Grouping Orders in Batches using Picking Location Spatial Clusters