Leveraging LLMs with LangChain for Supply Chain Analytics — A Control Tower Powered by GPT

Build an automated supply chain control tower with a LangChain SQL agent connecting an LLM with a database using Python.

Leveraging LLMs with LangChain for Supply Chain Analytics — A Control Tower Powered by GPT

Build an automated supply chain control tower with a LangChain SQL agent connecting an LLM with a database using Python.

This article was originally published on Medium.

A supply chain control tower is a centralized solution that provides visibility and monitoring capabilities to efficiently manage end-to-end supply chain operations.

This flowchart breaks down the stages of an automated supply chain control tower with Python. Starting with order and inventory data stored in SQL databases, it transitions into data processing, which involves preparing, aggregating, and analyzing data. Further stages include decision-making based on AI insights and presenting analytics dashboards for business intelligence, supporting the decision-makers in optimizing inventory and operations.
Supply Chain Control Tower with Python — (Image by Author)

In a prior article, I introduced a solution for an automated control tower capable of generating incident reports using Python.

How can we enhance this model for a better user experience?

Large language models (LLMs) could potentially provide tailored analysis based on each user request.

The process of data querying and analytics is presented here. It starts with a question, goes through AI-driven insights using multiple data processing nodes, accesses SQL databases for querying, and outputs actionable results through an AI agent. The illustration emphasizes the role of both SQL queries and AI in creating an informed decision-making process for optimizing supply chain operations.
High-Level Concept of the Solution — (Image by Author)
Can we automate supply chain monitoring and diagnostics using Large Language Models LLM with Python?

In this article, I will share my journey to mastering Langchain with OpenAI’s GPT models and building the ultimate Supply Chain Control Tower using Python.

I. LLMs with LangChain for Supply Chain Analytics
An exploration of how LangChain and LLMs can revolutionize analytics
in supply chain management.
1. Scenario: Distribution Process of a Fashion Retailer
The complex distribution operations in a global fashion retail setting.
2. Setting the Stage for Experimentation
Introduce the experimental setup to test a LangChain SQL agent.
3. Experimental Protocol: Starting Simple
Start with a straightforward query to assess the agent's basic capabilities.
II. Experiments and Key Insights
1. Test 1: Simple Prompt without Template
2. Test 2: Prompt Template with a Context
3. Test 3: Prompt Template with an Improved Context
4. Test 4: Advanced Analysis with an Improved Context
5. Final Test: Create a Chain to Write an Email Report
6. Create a Purchasing Bot with Visual Basic and GPT
Couple the tool with a script automating order creation
III. LLMs Shaping the Future of Supply Chain
1. What about GPTs? "The Supply Chain Analyst" Agent
I tried the new feature "GPTs" of ChatGPT with "The Supply Chain Analyt" Agent
2. A Simple 'Proof-of-Concept'
We can use an agent to track shipments with TMS data
3. Continuing the Prototype Development
Challenge the agent with complex analyses and more tables.
4. Exploring Broader Applications in Supply Chain
LLMs can boost the user experience for Digital Twins, Network Optimization,
Business Intelligence, ESG Reporting and many other applications

LLMs with LangChain for Supply Chain Analytics

Scenario: Distribution Process of a Fashion Retailer

Imagine you are a data scientist at an international clothing group with a global store network.

Your project involves assisting the distribution planning manager in monitoring stores’ replenishment process.

This image shows a simplified flow of a supply chain, starting from manufacturing to the final retail store. Key stages include the central warehouse for order fulfillment, distribution planners managing replenishment orders, and transportation ensuring goods move from factories to stores. Each part highlights critical players like planners, warehouse staff, and store managers, ensuring efficient inventory management and timely delivery to stores.
Supply Chain Network — (Image by Author)

She leads a team of planners who manage the inventory of stores worldwide.

The process is simple: when the inventory level reaches the minimum level

  • Planners create replenishment orders in the ERP with information like item quantities and requested delivery dates
  • Operational teams at the Warehouse prepare the orders for shipment
  • Transportation planners organize the delivery to the stores

The pivotal performance indicator is the percentage of orders delivered on time.

This timeline visualizes the steps of a shipment, from order creation to store delivery. Key timestamps include when orders are received, prepared, and shipped, with cut-off times highlighted for each step. The right side mirrors the same process for air shipments, from airport arrival, customs clearance, and final delivery. This is essential for tracking shipment progress and ensuring everything remains on schedule, preventing delays in the supply chain.
Distribution Chain Processes Tracked with Timestamps — (Image by Author)

From the order creation to the store delivery, several timestamps and boolean flags are recorded in the database.

  • Order Transmission time is recorded in ‘Transmission’
    If this is after the cut-off time, ‘Transmission_OnTime’ is set to 0.
  • Truck Loading time is recorded in ‘Loading
    If this is after the cut-off time, ‘Loading_OnTime’ is set to 0.
  • Truck arrival at the airport is recorded in ‘Airport_Arrival
    If this is after the cut-off time, ‘Airport_OnTime’ is set to 0.
  • Aircraft landing at the airport is recorded in ‘Airport_Arrival
    If this is after the cut-off time, ‘Airport_OnTime’ is set to 0.
  • Truck arrival at the city is recorded by ‘City_Arrival
    If this is outside the store opening window, ‘Store_Open’ is set to 0.

The most important timestamp is ‘Delivery_Time’. It is compared with ‘Expected_Delivery_Time’ to set the value of ‘On_Time_Delivery’.

The initial solution I presented in my previous article is a set of visuals and reports answering operational questions.

Question 1: How many shipments have been delivered with delay?
This donut chart presents a segmented breakdown of categories in a supply chain dataset. Each colored section represents a percentage of the total, likely illustrating key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost distribution, order fulfillment rates, or inventory classifications. The larger sections may represent higher contributing factors to the overall metric, offering a visual snapshot of the supply chain’s performance across these different categories.
(Image by Author)
Question 2: Where are the shipments currently in transit?
This chart offers another detailed view of categorical data, potentially focusing on supply chain KPIs like supplier performance, order accuracy, or lead time distribution. Each color highlights a different percentage contribution, allowing stakeholders to see which categories have the most influence on overall performance. This visual helps prioritize areas needing improvement or continued optimization within the supply chain.
(Image by Author)
What are the limitations of this initial solution?

The main difficulty in designing this descriptive analytics solution is the balance between complexity and completeness.

  • If you want to answer all the potential operational questions, your report can quickly become extremely difficult to use.
  • You will not cover the full operational scope to keep the report concise.
Can we use a GPT model to enhance the user experience by providing tailored outputs to each request?

We are reaching the limits of traditional, tools, which rely on visuals, tables, and reports to answer operational questions.

This is what I am trying to figure out with a simple prototype developed with Python.

How do we start?

Setting the Stage for Experimentation

The setup is simple:

  • A local database ‘shipments.db’ with a single table ‘shipments’
  • Langchain version 0.0.325
  • An OpenAI Key to query GPT models
  • A Python local environment with LangChain, SQLite and Pandas libraries
This image outlines how a GPT agent interacts with an SQL database to answer specific supply chain questions. The query extracts data from a “shipments” table, providing insights like on-time delivery, delay analysis, and transit status. The SQL database is queried using timestamps and flags, enabling the agent to answer user-specific questions, improving decision-making in real-time.
High-Level Overview of the Solution — (Image by Author)

The database includes the timestamps and the boolean flags, along with shipment IDs, destinations and order amounts.

The LangChain SQL agent (powered by OpenAI’s GPT model) can access the database, write SQL queries and use the outputs to answer users’ questions.

We can start testing it!

Experimental Protocol: Starting Simple

I started with a simple question to sense the agent’s effectiveness.

“How many shipments were delayed in the first seven days of May?”

The right answer is 6,816 shipments.

This shows a detailed example of an SQL query used to retrieve information from a supply chain database. The query counts delayed shipments over a set period, using flags like “On_Time_Delivery.” The output (6,816) is the result of the query, which the GPT agent then processes to answer operational questions, demonstrating the power of integrating GPT with SQL databases for real-time, data-driven insights.
Target behaviour of the Agent — (Image by Author)

I expect to see the agent creating an SQL query that counts all the shipments from ‘2021–05–01’ to ‘2021–05–07’ with the boolean flag ‘On_Time_Delivery’ = False.

In the next section, we will explore different interaction approaches with the agent and search for the most effective method to provide accurate answers.

🏫 Discover 70+ case studies using data analytics for supply chain sustainability🌳and business optimization 🏪 in this: Cheat Sheet

Experiments and Key Insights

Now that everything is set up, I can start creating the LangChain agent to interact with the database.

I use the AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION,a type of agent designed to operate in a "zero-shot" learning context.

This agent is capable of responding to queries without any prior specific training.

Test 1: Simple Prompt without Template

The initial test involves querying the agent with a straightforward question.

“How many shipments were delayed in the first seven days of May?”

[Block 1]: The agent starts by exploring the database with the unique table ‘shipments’.

The LangChain agent begins querying the database. The table being referenced is shipments, which contains various fields like order date, shipment ID, order amount, timestamps for shipment processes (like loading and landing), and Boolean flags (like On_Time_Delivery). The agent retrieves the table schema, laying the foundation for further queries.
[Block 1]: Discovery of the database — (Image by Author)

The agent is linking the “shipments delayed” of the question with the table ‘shipments’ of the database.

This initial block will be the same for all the other iterations of our experiment.

[Block 2]: The agent writes the query and provides a wrong answer.

The LangChain agent queries the shipments table to count delayed shipments between May 1–7, 2021, based on Transmission_OnTime = False. The output result is 6,403 delayed shipments, though the logic isn’t fully optimized.
[Block 2]: Query the Database and Provide an Answer — (Image by Author)
A visual representation of the LangChain SQL agent, demonstrating how it queries the shipments table and returns an SQL output for a delayed shipment count. The left panel represents manual SQL query creation, while the right panel uses an LLM to automate the query and result fetching, but both approaches lead to different outputs.
Test 1: Target Result (Left) / Test Output (Right) — (Image by Author)

👍 A good point is that the agent used the right date (Order Date) to filter the shipments in the scope.
👎 However, he took the wrong flag to define a delayed shipment.

This can be accepted as we have not explicitly defined a delayed shipment.

What happens when we provide more information?

Test 2: Prompt Template with a Context

I can use a prompt template with a context to improve the answer.

I wanted to keep the context minimal as we may only sometimes know what users will ask.

context_explanation = """
As a supply chain control tower manager, my role involves overseeing the logistics network and ensuring that shipments are processed efficiently and delivered on time.
The 'shipments' table in our database is crucial for monitoring these processes. It contains several columns that track the progress and timeliness of each shipment throughout various stages:
- 'Order_Date' and 'Expected_Loading_Date' provide timestamps for when an order was placed and when it was expected to be loaded for departure.
- 'Expected_Delivery_Time' is a timpestamp defining when the shipment is expected to be delivered
- 'Loading_OnTime', 'Airport_OnTime', 'Landing_OnTime', 'Transmission_OnTime' are boolean values indicating whether the shipment was processed on time at various stages. If any of these are False, it implies a delay occurred, potentially causing the shipment to miss its cut-off time and be postponed to the next day.
- 'Store_Open' indicates if the truck arrived at the store before closing time. A False value here means the delivery must wait until the next day.
- 'On_Time_Delivery' is a critical indicator of our service level, showing whether a shipment arrived by the requested delivery time.
Understanding the data in these columns helps us identify bottlenecks in the shipment process and take corrective actions to improve our delivery performance.
input_question = "How many shipments were delayed in the first seven days of May?"

💡 Observation: The context is a high-level presentation of the role of a control tower manager and the content of the database.

[Block 2]: The agent writes the query and provides a wrong answer.

The agent refines its query, now accounting for additional flags (Loading_OnTime, Airport_OnTime, Store_Open, etc.) alongside Transmission_OnTime. The result shows 7,248 delayed shipments, reflecting a more complete analysis by considering all steps in the supply chain process.
[Block 2]: Query the Database and Provide an Answer — (Image by Author)
This visual represents the comparison between SQL queries generated manually (left) and via an LLM agent (right). The LLM agent performs a more comprehensive query, fetching shipment delays across multiple operational flags, leading to a higher count of 7,248 delayed shipments.
Test 2: Target Result (Left) / Test Output (Right) — (Image by Author)

👎 The agent better understands the intermediate flags but still misses the point.

This definition of a delayed shipment is not illogical but does not match the operational reality.

💡 Observation: A shipment can be on time even if it has one or several flags at zero. Only the ‘On_Time_Delivery’ flag can determine if a shipment is delayed.

A timeline illustrates the actual shipment lead times versus the maximum allowed times for key operations like truck loading, truck leaving, and delivery. The actual timeline shows how shipments progress through each stage, while the maximum lead time indicates the cut-off times for timely operations. This comparison highlights delays in the process and helps in assessing where shipments exceed allowed lead times, potentially impacting delivery performance.
Definitions of cut-off times linked to the flags — (Image by Author)

🙋‍♀️ To be fair to the agent, it’s not a definition that someone could easily guess.

Therefore, I should probably explicitly define a ‘delayed shipment’ in the context.

Test 3: Prompt Template with an Improved Context

I improved the context with an additional sentence.

‘A shipment is considered delayed if ‘On_Time_Delivery’ is false.’

And as expected, the result is good

The langchain agent powered by GPT performs a query to count the number of delayed shipments within the first seven days of May. It retrieves a result of 6816 shipments, based on the condition that the ‘On_Time_Delivery’ flag is false. This query helps track delivery performance in a given time frame by extracting key data from the shipments database.
[Block 2]: Query the Database and Provide an Answer — (Image by Author)

👋 The agent took the right flag to define delayed shipments.

What if we ask for an advanced analysis?

A delay can be due to various reasons captured by the different flags included in the dataset.

This image visualizes the timeline comparison between actual delivery events (top) and the target lead times (bottom). It highlights discrepancies in the supply chain, where delays or early deliveries can be identified based on when critical events occur along the timeline, allowing for process optimization.
Delivered Shipments (Top: On Time, Bottom: Late) — (Image by Author)

Our control tower team would like a reason code for each shipment not delivered on time.

What is a reason code?

In this company, the reason code is defined by the list of all false intermediate flags.

For instance, if a shipment is delayed :

  1. ‘On_Time_Delivery’ is False
  2. ‘Transmission_OnTime’ and ‘Loading_OnTime’ are False.
  3. The reason code is then ‘Transmission_OnTime, Loading_OnTime’.
What happens if we explain the definition of reason codes to the agent?

Test 4: Advanced Analysis with an Improved Context

Let’s include an additional statement

‘The reason code of a delayed shipment is defined by the list of all flags that are 0 for this shipment.’

Thus, I can challenge the agent with a new question:

Provide the total number of shipments delayed in the first seven days of May and its split by reason code.

Unfortunately, the agent could not define a reason code correctly.

The langchain agent powered by GPT uses an advanced query to calculate the number of delayed shipments and classify them by different reason codes. The result splits the delayed shipments into several categories such as ‘Delivery’, ‘Transmission’, and ‘Other’, providing deeper insights into the root causes of delays.
[Block 2]: Query the Database and Provide an Answer — (Image by Author)

After multiple iterations, I discovered that the agent needed some guidance.

Therefore, I revised the question.

Please create the column ‘Reason_Code’ based on the defintion. Then, provide the total number of shipments with delayed delivery in the first seven days of May and the split by reason code.
The automated supply chain control tower agent powered by Langchain generates a new table to include a ‘Reason_Code’ column. This column categorizes delayed shipments based on various flags (e.g., ‘Loading_Delayed’, ‘Landing_Delayed’). It helps classify delays and improves analysis by automating the tagging of delays to specific issues in the process.
[Block 2]: Query the Database and Provide an Answer — (Image by Author)

The output now matches the definition of a reason with a complete analysis of the root cause of late delivery.

Can we use this output to send a report by email?

As a final exercise, I wanted to create a chain to ask the agent to write an email using this output.

Final Test: Create a Chain to Write an Email Report

Creating chains with LangChain involves combining multiple agents to perform tasks, each using the previous output.

  • Agent 1: SQL Query Agent
    This agent interprets the user’s question, formulates an SQL query and retrieves the data from the database.
  • Agent 2: Email Composition Agent
    This agent takes the processed data from the SQL Query Agent and composes a coherent and informative email.

We asked Agent 2 to email me (Samir Saci, Control Tower Manager) to the operational director, Jay Pity.

[Block 3]: Use the output of Agent 1 to write an email — (Image by Author)

💡 Observation: For an unknown reason, the agent split the number of delayed shipments by day.

[Block 4] Email Output— (Image by Author)

The output is an email summarizing the query results

  • The agent includes an additional analysis before concluding the email.
  • The tone is formal and fits with the context of logistic operations management.

The output can automatically send an email using the Python SMTP library.

This image shows the process of generating a supply chain weekly report on delayed shipments, categorized by the day of the week automatically with Python. The agent analyzes each day and splits the delays into reason codes. This type of report helps supply chain managers monitor delays on a day-by-day basis and track improvements over time.
Automated Workflow to send emails with Python — (Image by Author)

The LLM output can be connected to the script that sends emails (with an HTML page) using the library smtplib.

For more details on how to implement it, check the article below 👇

Automate Operational Reports Distribution in HTML Emails using Python
Automate the distribution of supply chain operational reports with visuals in HTML emails using python.
What did I learn from this experiment?

This simple experiment with LangChain SQL Agents taught me that…

  • Agents are not omniscient. Therefore, specific business definitions must be explained in the context.
  • The agent may need guidance to provide the correct output even with a suitable context.
  • Several agents can be linked in chains to perform advanced tasks.
  • Because the agent sometimes needs guidance, we must train users to prompt engineering.

The main challenge is providing the proper context to ensure the agent can answer all the user questions.

Can we go beyond and automate the creation of orders?

SAP Automation of Order Creation for Retail

Using SAP, you can create purchase orders.

These documents are used to request items or services from a vendor at an agreed-upon price.

Purchase Order Creation Menu in SAP — (Image by Author)

Imagine a workflow connecting our smart agent to the ERP stock table.

  • The user would ask to check the stock level of a set of references ;
  • The agent would query the table to check these levels ;
  • If the level is below the limit, it will trigger the automated tool for order creation ;
Automated Tool for Order Creation — (Image by Author)

You would now have an automated tool for inventory management covering the stocks of thousands of references.

For more details about the SAP automation tool, check this article

LLMs Shaping the Future of Supply Chain

What about GPTs?

While mastering LLMs for supply chain analytics products, I also tried ChatGPT's new feature, GPTs.

A diagram showing the relationship between Excel file input, data analysis, and communication processes. It depicts a workflow automated with a custom GPT for Supply Chain Analytics where an Excel file leads to the automation of decision-making processes for supply chain optimization. The output involves a GPT called Supply Chain nalyst performing classification tasks, with the final result displayed in an understandable format for communication.
“The Supply Chain Analyst Agent” — (Image by Author)

Users can access this agent on the ChatGPT user interface via this

The user interface of a custom GPT, “The Supply Chain Analyst,” created by Samir Saci. The purpose of this tool is to automate ABC analysis using sales data. The interface includes options for users to ask questions like “How can I start?”, “What is the format of the CSV file to upload?”, and “Where can I learn more about the theory behind?”. Below the prompts, there’s a chat input where users can interact with the GPT to begin automating their supply chain analytics tasks efficiently.
User Interface [Test the GPT: Link]

The idea is to create an agent equipped with a core model of analysis (Python Script), a context and some guidance in prompts.

This diagram outlines how the custom GPTs for Supply Chain Analytics work. It starts with the user asking a question or requesting an analysis, the agent retrieves data (from the provided dataset or sample), processes it with a core Python script, and returns output as charts or comments. The flow clearly illustrates three key steps: initial prompt, data processing using the script, and final analysis outputs that is used by “The Supply Chain Analyst”.
GPT Simple Architecture [Test the GPT: Link]

So users can interact to ask

  • A Pareto or ABC analysis of their sales
  • A template of email to report the sales distribution of a product portfolio

You can find more details and examples in this article,

A Simple ‘Proof-of-Concept’

As I am just starting this exciting journey, I actively seek your comments and observations on the approach I’ve shared in this article.

The initial results promise a transformative future with ‘self-service’ databases enhanced by Large Language Models (LLMs) capabilities.

This image introduce the concept of integrating a LangChain SQL agent with an LLM for supply chain analytics. On the left, we see users querying the system. The agent, depicted as the middle icon, connects to multiple SQL databases to retrieve data. On the right, the LLM processes this data, transforming it into insights and responses for the users. This setup demonstrates the automation of querying multiple databases and delivering tailored answers powered by AI in supply chain analytics.
LangChain Agents Linked to Multiple Data Products — (Image by Author)

This solution, particularly beneficial for companies implementing data meshes, can connect users directly to data products through a responsive interface enhanced by the power of generative AI.

Users are not using our dashboards. Why?

It enables users to conduct complex analyses through natural language, disrupting our current dashboard-based data interaction.

Continuing the Prototype Development

The conclusion of these initial tests is quite positive.

However, I still have some tests before officially finalizing this proof-of-concept.

  • Enrich the dataset with shipments in transit and cancelled orders
  • Test how the model is dealing with missing data
  • Connect the agent with several databases and test how it can manage multiple data sources to answer a question.

I would only deploy it in production with user acceptance tests to discover what questions users would ask (and monitor the agent's behaviour).

I will share my future experiments in future articles. If you're interested, feel free to follow me on Medium.

Exploring Broader Applications in Supply Chain

As a Supply Chain Data Scientist, my experimentation doesn’t stop here.

I’m eager to explore other applications of LLMs within the realm of Supply Chain Analytics.

These include integrating LLMs with optimization models:

  • 👬📈 Supply Chain Digital Twins
    Application: The agent would help users trigger simulations with natural language scenarios.
    (Users can ask: “What if we move the central warehouse in Italy?”)
What Is a Supply Chain Digital Twin?
Use python to create a model representing your supply chain network to optimize your operations and support strategic decisions.
  • 🔗🍃 Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design
    Application: Users could create optimization models by formulating the objective and the constraints using natural languages.
    (Users can ask: “I would like to create a network of factories to deliver the French market that meets the demand while minimizing CO2 emissions.”)
Create a Sustainable Supply Chain Optimization Web App
Help your organization combine sustainable sourcing and supply chain optimization to curb both costs and environmental impacts.
  • 🏭🍃 Sustainable Sourcing: Select the Best Suppliers
    Application: Purchasing teams could formulate their green initiatives using natural languages and see the impact on the costs.
    (Users can ask: “We would like to estimate the costs of only selecting carbon-neutral factories to source this SKU.”)
What is Sustainable Sourcing?
How can you use data analytics to select the best suppliers considering indicators for sustainability and social indicators?

We can also use our agent to improve data quality or support the audit of the data used for strategic reports:

  • 📉📄 ESG Reporting: Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting
    Application: Automate the audit of the data used to build the report.
    (Auditors can ask: “Could you retrieve the utility bills used to calculate the energy consumption of the plant XYZ?”)
What is ESG Reporting?
Leveraging Data Science for Comprehensive and Effective Environmental, Social and Governance reporting of a company.
  • 📉✅ What is Data Quality?
    Application: Use our agent to challenge or support methodologies that ensure Accuracy, Consistency and Completeness of the Data.
    (Users can ask: Could you analyze the number of shipments delivered last year with a missing status?)
What Is Data Quality?
Discover Methodologies to Ensure Accuracy, Consistency and Completeness of Supply Chain Data.

Each area holds immense potential for leveraging generative AI to deploy ‘analytics-as-a-service’ solutions in your company.

For instance, can you improve this web application's user interface with a smart agent?

ABC Analysis & Pareto Chart App — [Link]

If you share this enthusiasm, feel free to give some suggestions in the comments section!

About Me

Let’s connect on Linkedin and Twitter, I am a Supply Chain Engineer using data analytics to improve logistics operations and reduce costs.

For consulting or advice on analytics and sustainable supply chain transformation, feel free to contact me via Logigreen Consulting.